The Kunstmuseum Ahlen and the Museum Marta Herford present a joint exhibition project on the contemporary significance of collage and the related forms of expression in art.

Two museums, two cities, one connection: in two renowned exhibition houses in NRW simultaneously, the technique of collage will be newly questioned in the form of a unique cooperative project – a cursory rather than a systematic journey through the history of collage from the beginnings around 1910 right up to contemporary revivals.

In contrast to its historical origins, collage is no longer bound to the use of paper and shears, but manifests itself in a lively engagement beyond the boundaries of genre and material. It is almost as if these techniques with cutting and pasting somehow correspond to contemporary attitudes towards life. In a heterogeneous world, whose full complexity can be barely grasped, the fragment receives a new function between reconstruction and the creation of new totalities.

“Ruhe-Störung” (disturbing the peace) moves between analysis and synthesis, reduction and accumulation, destruction and construction, devaluation and revaluation. Protest and resistance, unrest and upheaval, escapes and dreams, recycling and renewal, diversity of voices and cacophony, appropriation of space and the building of worlds are the thematic guiding stars that the exhibition follows.


Laas Abendroth, Jan Albers, HP Alvermann, Arman, Martin Arnold, Jean Arp, Enrico Baj, Herbert Bayer, Josep Renau Berenguer, Hubert Berke, Kristina Berning, Joseph Beuys, Beni Bischof, Alighiero Boetti, Alfredo Bortoluzzi, Nanda Botella, Louise Bourgeois, Marianne Brandt, Ulu Braun, Victor Brauner, Oliver Breitenstein, Marcel Breuer, Michael Buthe, Paul Citroen, Antoni Clavé, Roman Clemens, William Copley, Alberto Corazón, Eli Cortiñas, Tony Cragg, Michael Croissant, Equipo Crónica (Rafael Solbes, Juan Antonio Toledo, Manuel Valdés), Danica Dakić, Bernd Damke, Raphael Danke, Frauke Dannert, Guillermo Deisler, Walter Dexel, Ugo Dossi, Günther Drehbusch, Jean Dubuffet, Marcel Duchamp, Bogomir Ecker, Max Ernst, Hermann EsRichter, Astrid Feuser, Adolf Fleischmann, Joan Fontcuberta, Heinrich Förster, Klaus Geldmacher, Isa Genzken, Manfred Gipper, Hermann Glöckner, Louis Goodman, Martin Gostner, Yvonne Goulbier, Alberto Greco, Ferdinando Greco, Juan Gris, George Grosz, Beate Hagemann, Raymond Hains, René Halkett, Richard Hamilton, Al Hansen, Nschotschi Haslinger, Raoul Hausmann, Damien Hirst, Hannah Höch, Vlatka Horvat, Jory Hull, Alfonso Hüppi, Marion Jacobs, Ray Johnson, Paul Joostens, Asgar Jorn, Karl Junker, Siglinde Kallnbach, Thomas Kaminski, Lajos Kassák, Herbert Kaufmann, Martin Kippenberger, Imi Knoebel, Carsten Knoop, Franz Rudolf Knubel, Jiří Kolář, Heinrich Koch, Jannis Kounellis, Werner Kreuzhage, KRIWET, Peter Krueger, Heinrich Küpper, Rosa Lachenmeier, Gordon Matta-Clark, Paul McCarthy, Eduard Micus, Franz Mon, François Morellet, Robert Motherwell, Jürgen Möbius, Cas Oorthuys, Meret Oppenheim, Anna Oppermann, ORLAN, C.O. Paeffgen, Mimmo Paladino, Jürgen Partenheimer, Sigmar Polke, Man Ray, Bernard Réquichot, Michel Robert, Franz Roh, Rèn Róng, Ulrike Rosenbach, Martha Rosler, Mimmo Rotella, Dieter Roth, Friederike Ruff, Niki de Saint Phalle, Hans Salentin, Martina Sauter, Konrad Balder Schäuffelen, Xanti Schawinsky, Lou Scheper, Thomas Schriefers, Margret Schriefers-Imhof, Wilfried Schwerin von Krosigk, Monika Schwitte, Kurt Schwitters, Norbert Schwontkowski, Hans Sieverding, Diana Sirianni, Daniel Spoerri, Klaus Staeck, Anton Stankowski, Rudi Stanzel, Curt Stenvert, Grete Stern, Anett Stuth, Antoni Tàpies, Ernesto Tatafiore, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Hervé Télémaque, Hans Thiemann, Sofie Thorsen, Jean Tinguely, Gert & Uwe Tobias, Claude Tolmer, Tatiana Trouvé, Wolfgang Tümpel, Timm Ulrichs, André Utter, Marjolijn van den Assem, Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven, Erik van Lieshout, Kálman Várady, Axel Vater, Costa Vece, Jacques Villeglé, František Vobecký, von Jung, Wolf Vostell, Andor Weininger, Günter Weseler, Franz West, Gil Joseph Wolman, Herbert Zangs.

Streifzüge Durch die Welten der Collage

from 28 Sep 2013 to 26 Jan 2014
in Marta Herford, Herford, Germany.